Monday, February 9, 2009

New Beginnings

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Praise God for that verse. This past week was a killer and we have a fresh new week ahead of us. Being a new week, it got me thinking about the transforming miracle does in the lives of believers. We become new creations.

So if the old is gone, why do we still do the junk that we do? My reasoning is that we are truly not submitting our will to God's will and plan for our lives and trusting him. Much of this may come out in game when we start disrespecting each other and then misunderstanding each other.

In a Christian Guild, we have a big Bull's eye on our foreheads. The Devil (the divider) will do whatever he can to disrupt us. He will turn best of friends against each other over silly things, that are just in game.

I am here to say that we don't need that. We are new Creations in Christ, the old is gone, here is the new. The new is the loving, respecting people that can witness for Jesus in a virtual reality world and impact lives for Christ.

So yes, this should really be like a Sunday blog, but you guys get some preaching today on Monday.

God bless!

Today I am spotlighting Dresser

Dresser adds tons of functionality to the dressing room, from equipping the target's gear on yourself, zooming in, undressing, using your target as a paper doll, etc. Really good mod to find out if you really want to equip that new epix, or will you look like a clown.


  1. in the version of the bible I read - there are no exclamation points

  2. I copied and pasted from my favorite online bible -;
